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Moving To Mixer Shroud Lost Two-Thirds Of His Audience

The battle between Twitch and Mixer has resulted in some high profile streamers abandoning their traditional castles for lucrative deals, but new figures have shown the effect the switch can have.

Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek was one of the biggest stars on Twitch, his brand of highly skilled, highly chilled gameplay in competitive shooters like Apex Legends, PUBG and others. When he announced his departure to Mixer, he had over seven million followers on Twitch and a high of 15 million hours viewed.

If you want move castles it will come at a price. Before Shroud's transition to the Microsoft streaming service, the Canadian had a unique US livestream audience of 718,000 unique viewers. According to Streammetrics, that figure collapsed in November to 231,000 unique viewers in November. only 15 percent of viewers followed Shroud from Twitch to Mixer.



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